
Sticky Learning: How Neuroscience Supports Teaching that’s Remembered is unavailable, but you can change that!

In spite of new classroom technologies, many seminary professors rely solely on auditory methods. By the end of a course, a student may have gained some knowledge and skill, but they might not have embedded what they’ve learned into their long-term memories. Elementary and secondary education teachers have worked with neuroscientists to enhance students’ learning and memory with new classroom...

effectively except to evaluate the number of intelligences that were used during a particular class. Academic classrooms are not the same as a church classroom, to be sure, but the challenge to understand, foster, and assess learning is similar. Gardner understood intelligence as multidimensional. Learning is also multidimensional; cognitive learning theory and neuroscience tell us that there is no one way to understand learning. Welcome to the postmodern world of education! Despite the ways Multiple
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